Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm an extremely concerned citizen of the United States of America, and I am accusing President Obama of raping America, and I am calling for his resignation.

Obama is showing a complete and utter disregard for the American people. He is raping our country of it's ability to function. The word rape itself originates from the Latin verb rapere: to seize or take by force. The word originally had no sexual connotation and is still used generically in English. Unlike theft or robbery, rape was termed a "public wrong". A public wrong is an act which is injurious to the public generally.

A common characteristic of a rapist is insensitivity for others and emphasis on self - Does this person put his wants above the needs, feelings or well being of others? Is getting his way more important to him than other people's welfare? It seems the more people speak out and the larger the crowd, the harder Obama pushes back. Obama does what he wants, regardless of how many Americans object.

Some common feelings after rape are fear, anger, sadness, helplessness, betrayal, confusion and distrust and nightmares. After many months of speaking with people since Obama was elected, several of these emotions have been expressed.

Our ecomomy is dying, our country is in extreme debt, the unemployment rate is at 10%, our military is suffering from Obama's indecision, our freedom is at stake, our democracy is in jeopardy and our children are in danger. He has forced upon us an enviroment of public wrong throughout the entire United States. I feel violated, I feel used.

Obama is forcing us to accept a public option, against our will. Health care reform should not be forced down our throats. It is personal and it is unconstitutional. Cap & Trade will put the last nail in the coffin of our dying economy. Sending thousands of jobs overseas and forcing small business to close. The American household which is already under financial pressure will have to pay over a $1000. or more a year in heating costs alone. Free speech is under attack. We are on the losing end of this president America!

Obama is not taking our concerns into consideration and any critisism is looked upon as an attack on his race. Let's see who he has for czars. Mark Lloyd is to be the agency’s “chief diversity officer,” better known as “the diversity czar,” or the “speech czar.” He's been portrayed as yet another in a long line of powerful and unaccountable Obama policy czars. In light of his support of government regulation of TV and radio content he is a threat to free speech. Watch out if Obama doesn't like what you say about him. Does this remind you of any communist leaders or dictators? It does me!

Another of his personal appointments of Czar's such as Van Jones a communist, and recently Kevin Jennings, the school czar, Obama has shown a complete and utter disregard for the citizens of this country. Who on earth would put a "school czar" who supports NAMBLA, an organization that endorces oral sex with 18 month olds in charge of children! Yes America! I said 18 month olds, better known as babies.

Let's move on. He puts our military in serious danger and has the audacity of telling them to "wait," while he jets off to Denmark with his entourage of hollywood celebrities and his wife to pitch for an olympic bid. While we are suffering here with high a high unemployment rate and people are barely making ends meet. The planes, hotel accomodations, and security are all paid for by our tax dollars. Does he not even take into account that people back home cannot pay their bills. The trip is well over $10 million when you add in the figures for flying a VC-25 (Presidential 747). Presidential trips require both 747s, as one is a backup. However, the costs soar when you realize that from the moment a POTUS indicates he wants to go somewhere, dozens, if not hundreds of people start preparing every detail. These details include security, communications, protocol, logistics that boggle the mind and transportation that most people never see. 10 mil folks. Of our money. And he has the audacity to consider raising our taxes? For what reason may I ask? So we can work harder for less, and he can live like a king?!

He has been in office for 9 months and has done nothing good for this country at all. He has spent a lot of our money and put us in debt for years to come, he is propagandizing our citizens and indoctrinating our children with speech after speech after speech, ad after ad after ad. His conference call with the NEA to enlist artwork on his behalf, to his fake presidential seal during his campaign, to his own personal emblem, reminds me a little bit too much of a dictator to feel comfortable.

I haven't even touched on his associations with ACORN, the SEIU and other organizations that work on his behalf to further his cause. Or his past associations with radical persons such as Ayer and Wright.

 He is the worst president in the history of this county. He only has his ideology at heart, and he is placating to the far, far, far left. This is not the America we know. This is not the America we want. We made a mistake of enormous proportions. We must demand his resignation! We must not let America die with this president. This is what Obama wants. He wants the old America to die, so he can present the new America to the rest of the world. The United Socialist States of America. And maybe, just maybe, with him as Dictator-in-Chief.

Let's give Obama a message from the United States of America. NO YOU CAN'T!

Let's take our country BACK! I have had it with his unprofessional, inexperienced and dangerous ways.

Diane Donnelly


  1. You go Girl!!

    Wow, not much to add to that but YOU are right, God help us!

  2. I am with you Diane. I also feel all of the Congress should resign as well. dalambert16
