Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Behold Thy King, Ye Nation of Fools

America is warring with a politically violent president - an ideologue with selfish ambition and vain conceit. He sees it as his high calling to conform America into the greater scheme of things - the world according to Obama.

America has elected, by its own hand, a man who dislikes just about everything the United States stands for. As Obama stomps on our liberties - he continues to press his heel on the pulse of our nation as he forces his agenda down our throats.

Shame on us. In lieu of making it our personal responsibility to know the truth - we gave ear to Obamalogue. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. In eastern culture the three wise monkeys means being of good mind by keeping oneself free of bad influences. Not seeing, hearing or speaking bad things protects us from calamity. In western culture, it means looking the other way, and being willfully ignorant of the truth – and so we kick against the goading of “the chosen one,” whom we have elected.

Hindsight is 20/20, but the answer to “Who is Obama?” was spelled out in black and white in Dreams of My Father and Audacity of Hope -- two autobiographies written before he was elected.

Then there were the interpersonal relationships of Obama’s own choosing, such as Reverend Wright - where he attended church for twenty years. We are familiar with the racist and hateful rants of Reverend Wright which were replayed in the media several times before he was elected. Usually people can make an informed decision after one day, if they will want to return to a place of worship. One has to reason that Obama attended Wright’s church for twenty years, because he liked what he heard.

Another red flag (In politics, a red flag is a symbol of left-wing politics, in particular, of Communism) was Obama’s choice to hold his first political fund-raiser in the home of Bill Ayers, a self-described communist and domestic terrorist.

Obama’s entire life spells out R A D I C A L. In Dreams of My Father, he wrote about Frank Marshall Davis - a mentor during his youth.

Through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his “poetry” and getting advice on his career path. Obama, in his book, Dreams from My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.” As stated by Cliff Kincaid in ACCURACY in MEDIA.

There are many problematic and dubious characters in Obama’s past and present life, but stated his own words - he honors the person who influenced him the most…In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his mother as "the dominant figure in my formative years... The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics." …she was a lonely witness for secular humanism, a soldier for New Deal, Peace Corps, position-paper liberalism."[50] In his 2006 book The Audacity of Hope Obama wrote, "I was not raised in a religious household... My mother's own experiences... only reinforced this inherited skepticism. Her memories of the Christians who populated her youth were not fond ones... And yet for all her professed secularism, my mother was in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I've ever known."[51] "Religion for her was "just one of the many ways — and not necessarily the best way — that man attempted to control the unknowable and understand the deeper truths about our lives," Obama wrote.[52]

Though Obama has picked up the “calling” for his mother, and carries the torch for her lofty ideology - the reality is that Obama is a confused man - he has no answers for the world’s problems. He “attempts to control the unknowable,” and is vainly seeking answers to the “deeper truths about our lives,” dragging us along - kicking and screaming. In his mind, he is so intellectually and spiritually gifted -- far above and beyond the ordinary individual. He knows better. Consequently, we have a president who is incoherent, disconnected, unresponsive, and incapable of governing by the will of the people and our constitutional republic. He is a narcissistic ideologue, with a “superiority complex” that is battling for social justice.

Freud, who first coined the word narcissist, recognized that this personality type was the most difficult to analyze. He derived the term from the mythical figure Narcissus, who died because of his pathological preoccupation with himself. Freud concluded that with this personality type, achievements can feed feelings of grandiosity. An executive at Oracle described his narcissistic CEO Larry Ellison: “The difference between God and Larry is that God does not believe he is Larry.”

All the frenzy surrounding Obama during his campaign most certainly fed into his misguided quest for solving the world’s problems. As he traversed the oceans spewing his deep intellectual insights, people were alluding to him as a messiah. Chris Matthews from CNN felt a “thrill go up his leg” when Obama spoke. The media slobbered all over his every word. As Obama esteemed himself as the Savior, America needs to take responsibility for elevating him to that status. Today we realize he’s merely a mortal man. A man without wisdom - a man without answers - a man who thinks more highly of himself than he ought. A fool on a hill - leading a foolish people.

We are like the Jews who demanded God give them a King, and he gave them one. Only then did they learn that man is not God, and will always disappoint us. God said to the Jews, “And you cry out because of your King, whom you have chosen.”

It has been eighteen months since President Obama has taken office, and he refuses to accept any responsibility for our country’s continuing decline. Another common trait of a narcissist is their refusal to take responsibility for their failures and blame others. How many times have we heard him regurgitate the name Bush - over and over, in speech after speech as he stands before the nation to give an account on why things are not getting better? And he gives an account - without the slightest hint of empathic concern. As a Narcissist, he lacks the ability to feel empathy because he is too focused on himself. When Obama stands before us and appears unmoved, that is because he is. His intentions for our country were never to help us regain our footing. In his mind, his role was not to lead us back to solid ground. As our leader, his “hope” was to “change” America and form it into his own image. Social justice is his just cause.

Needless to say, we are a nation of many peoples - yet we are all different. We diverse in race and ethnicity, religion, wealth, education level, job status and political affiliation -- we are a league of nations - yet indivisible. We are all Americans. While Obama is trying to mold us into one big lump, he squelches our individuality. As he strives to reach his hand into our innermost parts and rip out our God-given individuality - he desires to replace our hopes and dreams with his. His hopes are not our hopes. His dreams are not our dreams. His America is not our America.

For those who continue to believe Obama has the answers, then perhaps you believe all police officers are honest and all parents love their children. You are incredibly naïve. But for the rest of us we understand what’s at stake, and have learned that there are consequences in the choices we make. Let us never forget.


  1. Why do you post that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s “mentor”? Because conservative firebrand Cliff Kincaid said so? "Dreams From My Father" belies that urban myth. It's a pity Americans are so easily hoodwinked by this right-wing disinformation, just like we were duped regarding the Iraqi threat. But even today, some Americans would rather believe fully discredited lies than admit they were duped. They don't have the courage to admit their mistakes. For everyone else: "Follow the evidence."

    Although Obama's book indicates "Frank" was a family friend who offered him advice on racial issues, Obama wrote that Davis "fell short" and his views were "incurable." Obama's book proves that Obama did not consider Davis to be a "wise and trusted counselor," which is the standard definition of "mentor." By what creative definition can Davis be considered his "mentor"?

    Further, according to "Dreams," Obama visited Davis only twice on his own after visiting with Gramps: once to discuss his grandmother's bus stop incident, and three years later before leaving for college.

    By exaggerating evidence that Davis advised Obama, yet ignoring evidence from the same source that Obama did NOT Frank to be a wise and trusted advisor, those who spread the urban myth Davis was Obama's "mentor" are as dishonest as ex-D.A. Mike Nifong. The "Nifong Syndrome" is the stacking of evidence by ignoring evidence that does not fit one's agenda. By portraying Davis as Obama's mentor, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, fraudulent "opposition research" by Cliff Kincaid and others permeates the blogosphere. Their travesty of journalistic ethics, like their "AIM Reports," demonstrates that they are unreliable sources of information on the Davis-Obama relationship. As the epitome of contemporary propaganda, Cliff Kincaid may be a worthy successor to Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels.

  2. Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to the CPUSA official publication Political Affairs, identified "Frank" as Davis, and "a decisive influence in helping Obama to find his present identity" as an African-American.[21].

    There are more sources than only Kincaid, as stated above. He one of several questionable characters in Obama's life. Obama should not be president of the United States. Most people see that now, but as stated in my Blog, his entire life was full of unseemly influences, not just Frank Marshall Davis.

  3. Did you notice with E M gone stock prices went up? LOL I just hope the peope of Chigago aren't dumb enough to eect him mayor.
